Thursday, October 14, 2010

A change

Well it has been quite a different journey this year, Zach has gone from being bullied, to winning his student council election for class secretary, joining orchestra being happy to be at school. Of course we still have struggles, but having a kid that is not afraid to go to school is a start.
His grades were even pretty decent on his report card, I am so proud of him, he has come so far this year, I can only hope he continues to progress, and keep his head up.
Zach had a doctors appointment with his specialist in Lubbock a couple of weeks ago, she gave me some great tips for his anger and tantrum issues, when he gets to the point of anger and rage to give him the words, like " I understand you may hate me right now, you are mad, and that's OK, but why don't you go out back and scream and yell for a bit, and when you are done we can talk" so far it seems to really work.

Ok so here is my thought of the week, as I look back I thought my son was "normal" I didn't see the warning signs, one because I didn't know what they were, and 2 a moms first instinct is to deny. We do not want anything to be wrong with our kids, in our eyes they are perfect. As our kids grow we go to doctors visits and checkups, to compare their development to a chart. The thing about high functioning autistics is they may develop on track, sometimes even early, these charts we compare them too only signify a sever developmental issue. As parents we need to start rallying to change the system. We need to fight for more doctors to start asking questions that apply to autistic traits, such as does your child sit and spin things like tires on a toy car for LONG periods of time, do they seem obsessive, do they hurt themselves, flap, bang their head, throw long tantrums, make noises, speak at unusual tones, see hear or smell things you cant, seem sensitive to any of these things. These are the things that are left out of the well child checkups, and it needs to be addressed. If 1 out of 150 are diagnosed autistic, then why is their not more concern. I feel if Zach had been diagnosed a few years earlier he would be so much further ahead of where he is, and I as a parent would be a little more prepared. I have a child who it about to be a preteen, is about to enter Jr high, and is just now getting the help he should of had 5 years ago. Parents of all start telling your children's doctors they MUST start asking these questions.

now I am off my soap box thanks. night all!

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