Saturday, August 28, 2010


 The first full week at Zach's new school was a success! He was happy, and loved his new school! I just hope that continues.

 Today was not as bright, Zach has a rat named Rufus that he loves very much, he went to her cage she had passed away in the night. He was beside himself all day, we have had a few breakdowns, and fits. As with any kiddo, this would effect them this way his just comes out more in anger and aggression.

 Part of the reason I started this blog was to help parents like myself who feel, they have no answers, and alone at times. I spoke to a friend and told her I would describe some of the warning signs that we know now are signs. Here are the things Zach does over the years that would have identified Aspergers sooner if we had know.
Headbanging when he was upset
Spinning the wheels on the toy cars for hours
walking with a ridged gate
Lack of coordination
Speech problems
OCD ( this is a new development)
Strong obsessions or interests ( can speak about it like he has a phd in it)
Had twitching or tapping
Unaware of the social norms
Speaks loudly and rapidly when excited
gets bullied
doesn't respond to his name at all times
there are more and I probably just can't think of them right now I hope this helps.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Just like west texas

 I would describe Aspergers like West Texas, sunny and warm one minute, stormy and raining the next. That was today, Zach had a great day, that is until around 7pm, after that it was melt down, and tantrum, one after another. Yelling at his sister, crying over every little thing, right back to happy. He was really overstimulated today, he was making a lot of noises, tapping and twitching his hands and fingers, rapid speaking, I think that was a sign the storm was on it's way.

  Now Zach is in bed, all is peaceful, lets hope it stays that way.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A New Day

  Well his new school seems to be going well, I know it is only 3 days in, but he is truly happy, and he is not all alone. He is making friends, i know of 2 for sure, one boy and one girl, of course he didn't go into detail, but I am happy none the less. That is the one thing that absolutely drives me nuts, I want to know what he likes so much, but he just does not elaborate, I have to pry and pry just to get more than "good" or "fine" when I ask him how his day went. One day at a time right, I guess I will take his word for it and move on.

 I discovered to day I am no longer alone either, I have been thrilled all day! I have been talking to a mom going through the exact same things, and her son is roughly the same age, I have someone to compare with, to learn with, and to vent to who understands 100% how I feel! I know I have friends that are there for me, great friends, but all anyone can do is listen, no one really knows what I am going through. I do have a couple of friends who have Asperger kids, but they do not live near me, and it would be nice to grab coffee, or go to the park, have play dates, and just not have to explain it all of the time. I now I have a fabulous husband, but it is still not like talking to another mother, not to mention Mike has to listen to me all of the time, so I will give him a break.

  I guess there is not much more to report, it has been a slow week,not much going on Zach has had a few minor melt downs, but really nothing too bad. His stems have been up a little this week, but I figure that is from the excitement of school starting. (for those of you who don't know stems they are a self stimulant that AS people when they are overstimulated, some flap, tap, hit, tap ect) I guess i am off to do laundry! Night all!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Six Months In

 Over the past 6 months there has been so much I have wanted to share, vent or just get off my chest, and while I have great friends and family who ask how Zach is, sometimes i just feel like I talk about it too much to them or some days just tired of speaking of Aspergers.
 The purpose of my blog is to allow myself to open up get it all out, and hopefully raise some awareness, of what I like to call "The Hidden Autism".
 Let me take you back a few years, Zachary my son who is now 11 had some issues when he started Kindergarten, while he had always been in daycare or Pre K, the more structured environment of kindergarten was really difficult for him, he could not focus, get work done, even crawled under the lunch room tables. I asked his teacher to try some different approaches and to document every little thing. I did the same at home and finally took all of the information to the doctor. Zach was diagnosed ADHD, and started medication, as a different kid, he sat in his seat did his work it was a new beginning, we were all happy and thought that would be the end. Lord I wish I could say it was.
 Everything seemed to be well until first grade, after speaking to Zach's teacher, he was once again distracted, by what she said was imaginary sounds, always fidgeting, making noises, spinning his pencil, I was so upset, one that it took her so long to tell me anything was wrong, and two why didn't I notice this. I took Zach back to the Dr. and they changed his meds, this time there was a small change, at least enough for him to function in school. I decided to post some of the things going on to my My Space page, and a friend of mine told me how her son was diagnosed with Aspergers, when I asked detail the word Autism popped up and I shut down. See in my head all Autistics were like well rain man, to me Autism was not my kid. I sure wished I had listened, I regret that one day of not listening more than anything in my life.
 The next few years that conversation stayed with me but I pushed it way down, we switched out meds, tried different behavior tactics, and for the most part things went well. My biggest complaint at that time was his breakdowns, horrible outburst that came out of no where. At times he would even attack his little sisters, he would scream bang his head on the wall,  just lose all control. I noticed he always said really inappropriate things and didn't seem to get different emotions. Not that he didn't know what they were, but for instance if you watched "Old Yeller" and cried, he just didn't get it.
  By the fifth grade I noticed any friend he had no longer called, I never heard about them anymore. I drove by the school a couple of times during recess and he was always alone. Then we found out he was being bullied, by most of the kids. He came home with nasty letters, calling him names, pencil marks all over him, complaints of be pushed or hit. Kids calling him names making fun of his actions. It was a nightmare, and this time I knew, I had to bring up Aspergers.
  The week before the doctors appointment i researched, had teachers take notes, really hoping to find a different explanation. The day of the appointment I presented the facts to his Dr. who then set up a referral with a specialist in Lubbock, in march, 2 months away.
 In March 2010 my son was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, it is on the Autism spectrum, he is a high functioning Autistic. Why did I not notice it? All of the signs had been there, all along, I was blind, but most of all uniformed.
 Long story short Zach had a horrible school year, summer was great and now he has started school at a new school, he is only 2 days in so here starts a new journey. He will get the MISD eval he never recived from his previous school, start his speech and AS therapies soon. I hoope you all join me for this journey, a journey through my awakening as a parent, as I learn maybe others will too.
